A review by kimberlyquinn
Ethan by Nicole Edwards



Let me start this "review" by stating that I haven't read a ton of books in the m/m romance genre ... it's not that I don't enjoy or appreciate them ... I just generally prefer to have some kind of female interaction in my sexy reads (I'm a girl, so it's easier on my imagination). Now, having said that ... this is by far, the best m/m book I've read. But it is so much more than just a nice erotic read!

Nicole Edwards is a master of erotic writing. Seriously. If you like hot - this is by far one of the hottest yet. But this book has taken her writing to a level I wasn't expecting - covering deeply emotional and sometimes troubling subject matter.

I was enthralled by Ethan's story. I was enraptured by his love affair with Beau. And I was haunted by his history as he struggled with learning to love, trust and find acceptance.

The strength of these characters & the real life people who inspire this type of story - have my heart, my compassion and my support.

Fabulous story. I can't wait for more of the Walker clan!