A review by mlawlit
And I Love Her by Marie Force


One thing I can always count on when picking up a Marie Force book is complete and utter enjoyment.

I'll admit that Megan was difficult to like in the previous books because of her feelings for Will (Hunter's brother) and her treatment of Cameron (Will's GF).  I truly wondered how Ms. Force was going to endear the reader to Megan.  Did she?  Did I like Megan?  I did.  Once Megan understood her feelings about Will, she was able to get out of her own way and realize just how incredible Hunter truly is.

Hunter...ohhhh Hunter.  Hunter is a bit of a workaholic who dearly loves his family.  He's the older sibling, the herder and keeper of everyone else.  He isn't intrusive or annoying, he's just always there, quietly in some way, making sure everyone else is okay.  Ms. Force gives us more of Hunter and Hannah's sibling/twin relationship and I truly loved that.

Once Hunter decided he wanted Megan he stopped at nothing to make her his. Hunter was much more alpha in the bedroom than I anticipated.... I totally did not see that coming!  He even admits to Megan that he likes being the boss...

"I'm the oldest of ten kids.  Bossy is my business."

"Are you always like that?"

"Sometimes  more than others."

"Like when?"

"You really want to know?" he asked.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't really want to know."

He leaned in close to her. pressing his lips against her ear.  "I'm really bossy in bed."

A tremble went trhough her that he felt becasue he was sitting so close to her.

"Is that right?"


"Bossy how?"


"I know what I want, and I know how to get it, but only after you get what you want."


Uh yeah.  so-hot

Hunter is all quiet, buttoned-up, fancy pants wearing and totally in control.  With the exception of his feelings for Megan, once he lets them loose, he does not back down where she is concerned. Megan needs someone to tell her she matters and give her encouragement to be who she really wants to be.  Can you imagine being told, "I really like you and I just want you to be you?  I'm not going to put up with the walls you've put up because I want you... no matter what." (In a non-stalkery way, of course)

I adore the family aspect that is prevalent in Ms. Force's novel's and the Abbott family is so completely fascinating.  Elmer and Lincoln play matchmaker once again, I just love those guys.

Who's next?  Ella and Gavin.  Ms. Force always manages to introduce a new couple and make you out of your mind and ready to read them immediately.  She dangles a new couple in front of you like bait on a hook.  Consider me HOOKED.

As always there are so many hilarious moments, Ms. Force never fails to make me laugh and inevitably, swoon.




 This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews