A review by berit08
No Safe Place by Patricia Gibney


4 Killer Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

This is the fourth book in the Lottie Parker series... and confession time I didn’t read the three previous books, but the good news is I still really enjoyed this book and now I want to go back and read the previous three.... police procedurals are kind of a hit or miss with me and this was an absolute hit! What I believe made the difference was Lottie herself.... I absolutely adored her flaws and all.... she kind of reminded me of a female Harry Bosch my favorite flawed detective of all time..... they also have some very similar flaws as well.... so other than the female/male thing and Los Angeles/Ireland thing they’re practically the same person.... OK well maybe not, but close enough that I became an instant fan of this series as well....

Young women are disappearing with their last known location the train.... people are hearing loud banshee screens in the middle of the night.... after several bodies have been discovered and there is a Erie similarity to a murder/disappearance that happened 10 years ago.... people begin to wonder do we have a serial killer on our hands? The case in this book was very intriguing and quite dark.... even though you know who done it pretty early on, how everything unraveled was super compelling and kept me turning those pages quickly.... I was extremely satisfied with how things tied up in the end.... however there are some loose ends that definitely leave room for some interesting things in the next book.... I realize that’s a little cryptic and a little contradictory, but you’ll understand when you finish this book....

From what I understand from reading some reviews the previous books focus a lot more on Lotties personal life.... I would have really enjoyed that, I loved all the parts of this book where there was interaction between her and her children.... there was some focus on Boyd and his relationship with his sister Grace that I loved... I had a bit of a soft spot for Grace and I loved how protective and loving Boyd was towards her.... also there was Boyd and Lotties relationship, and from what I gather this has been on again off again throughout the series.... at least it’s not a love triangle, and I’m rooting for them I always love the HEA.....

Absolutely recommend to fans of the series, fans of police procedurals, and fans of fabulously flawed characters...

*** thank you too Bookouture and Net Galley for a copy of this book ***