A review by nikkifantasea
Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick


I’m not normally one to read books like this—it’s been so long since I’ve read a book that didn’t have a fantasy or supernatural twist to it—but for Becca, I’ll do anything. I loved her other books, so felt confident that I’d love this one too, and I was so right!!!
Becca knows how to keep me hooked. I finished this book in two sittings and I need more. I have a couple of unanswered questions and I need more Chet and Stella ASAP. Omg.


I may not have related to Stella very much, if at all, because she was pretty much the opposite of me. She had a hard home life, divorced parents, a father who abandoned her, a drug-addicted, alcoholic mother, a boyfriend who later turned out to be one of the bad guys, a rude and uppity attitude. None of which I could personally relate to. Well, maybe the attitude part, but she took it to levels I wouldn't have LOL. Honestly, she was a bitch, but I still enjoyed reading her story. She started very low, but was given plenty of room for character growth and was redeemed in my eyes.
I adored Chet. Absolutely adored him. He had me wrapped around his finger and I was SO MAD at little miss priss for taking so long to let herself be swooned by him. Made the payoff much better, but the tension was killing me.
Becca always got me with the plot twists in her Hush, Hush books, and this one was no different. There were several twists I didn't see coming that had me gasping aloud or saying WHAT THE FUCK to myself. But one of those WTF moments didn't have the payoff I was hoping for, and left me with questions I need answers. And considering it's been five years since this book released, it doesn't look like I'll be getting them :(
First, her boyfriend Reed was later shown to maybe be the bad guy--if I'm supposed to take the word of one of the antagonists as truth. And I wouldn't put it past the douche to make up something to hurt Stella, but as a reader, I never found out if his accusations were true, and we never saw Reed after the first scene in the book. We only caught glimpses of him in notes he'd written to Stella, but the conflict between the two was never solved and it bothers me. Did he really provide drugs to Stella's mom? Was he really only in a relationship with her to get closer to his client? Did Danny kill him, or did he remove himself from everyone's radar willingly? Is he dead?
Also the hitman sent to kill Stella said that more men would be sent for her if he didn't return and he defintely wasn't returning. I don't believe a drug dealer in so deep with the cartel that he had hitmen would let Stella go so easily, even if the mess she caused went away after the events hinted at in the final scenes. There's no way he wouldn't hold a grudge. Especially after one of his men was killed and he was still facing prison.
Now, I do want to say that I've seen soooo many bad reviews of this book—which is FINE, not everyone has the same tastes and everyone has the right to their own opinion—but many of them commented on how annoying the MC Stella was, or how dumb she was being. Hello. She's a teen. Teens do dumb shit and don't think things through. Mind you, many of these reviews are NOT from teens, but from adults. In reading YA, it should be obvious that the character(s) probably won't reflect the rational thinking of an adult—because they're not adults.