A review by aespeckh
Fat and Faithful: Learning to Love Our Bodies, Our Neighbors, and Ourselves by J. Nicole Morgan


Nicole Morgan has created a fantastic resource for the church. She writes openly and honestly about her experiences as a fat Christian, and how our approach to bodies can be so damaging. We see fatness only in terms of gluttony and sinning. We think self-hatred in search of a thinner body is admirable. We believe God can't really use us until we get our weight under control. Nicole discusses how all of these ideas impacted her personally, and also how she moved beyond them.

She challenges us to think more deeply with the mind of Christ and paints a gorgeous vision of a community that sees the image of God in EVERY body, where we celebrate and feast together, where we make good decisions out of love for our bodies exactly as they are. I was so encouraged and inspired by this book and recommend it to everyone.