A review by saturdayreading
The Tenth City by Patrick Carman


It's so weird to read something that's alluding to a god and a heaven-like place with a devil type creature. This whole series was wild.

Also, what is it with YA fantasy around this time period of release writing about young girls and squirrels. I mean, two fantasy series isn't a lot, but it sure is weird that there are two.

One more thing, why is it all men with her in every book? Even the animals tended to be men, and when there was a woman she was either hardly mentioned (Her mom back home), not given any dialogue really (Warvold's wife, Odessa), or just mentioned in a story/tale. It's so odd, but I guess that's a choice.

It's better than the dragon series I read, but jeepers not by much. Another series that proves to me anyone could probably be published if they sat down and wrote it.