A review by theseasoul
My Dear Hemlock by Tilly Dillehay


|| 5 ⭐️ ||

Screwtape Letters for women? Thoroughly brilliant!! I loved The Screwtape Letters and got tons out of it, but this being specific to how satan often deceives women, I found it even richer. This is a book I’d like to revisit throughout my life. Some chapters were more relevant than others for the season of life I’m in (the book follows the “patient” through her singleness, then marriage, children, middle age and beyond). Some of the chapters were so convicting that I had to put the book down for a few days, pray, confess, and make changes in my life. And even though I don’t know what it’s like being married or having kids, I could recognize some of the pitfalls I might be tempted to fall into in the future, knowing myself. So even the less immediately relevant chapters were rich with wisdom and really made me think. In summary, this is a really great tool for recognizing subtle but deadly sins and growing in godliness and holiness as a woman.

Read this for Sheologians book club and also really enjoyed the discussions that were had there.