A review by clarehitchens
No Such Creature by Giles Blunt


I am a huge fan of Giles Blunt and his mystery series set in Ontario's near north. I assumed when I requested to review this book that it would be in the same series and I was disappointed that it wasn't. However, I like Blunt's writing, so I decided to read it on its own merits. Having put it down a few times to read other things I finally finished it the other day and I can't say I was blown away.

I usually need to like at least one of the main characters in a book to care about what happens to them, but I couldn't care about these characters. An old con man and his nephew on their "last hurrah" across the US are tracked by badder thieves who want to hurt them and take their money. Well, that's what you get when you live a life of crime. That kind of story is sometimes done well (I think of Ocean's Eleven) but I think it fell flat this time. I look forward to Blunt's next book, but I must confess I hope it's a John Cardinal mystery.