A review by readoodles
Rescued by Eliot Schrefer


I wasn't as taken with this book as the first two in the quartet. However I still loved the characters, human and animal. Easy to love (and hate), humorous moments and some sad moments. Determination and creativity and a passion for animals will inspire readers.

BOOK TALK: John and Raja are brothers. Well, technically John is human and Raja is an orangutan. John’s dad knew of his young son’s interest in orangutans and so on a business trip stole a young one from the wild and took it home for John. John named him Raja and they became inseparable. But Raja wasn’t meant for life with humans and after John’s parents divorce, it’s obvious Raja needs a new home. John’s dad has been neglecting Raja and FriendlyLand, the place John’s dad finds for Raja neglects their animals as well. John know he must find a way to rescue Raja, from certain death, but then what? No zoos or sanctuaries will take Raja. With no place to go, John and Raja are on the run.