A review by sydsnot71
Doctor Who: Timelash by Glen McCoy


Timelash is a disappointing novelization of a story much unloved by Doctor Who fans, but which is great fun if you're in the right mood. The problem is the book is pretty bland. It does add a few bits and pieces to the TV episodes but nothing too exciting - which is occasionally the problem with Target novelizations with their firm page number limits.

Having said that I'm not sure how much you could pad out Timelash anyway. It's a pretty straightforward story of moral vacuum scientist becomes dictator, throws people into the Timelash as punishment, and generally wants to destroy everything to become the ruler of his world. The Borad - for it is he - has become a mixture of Karfelon and Morlox (a large and fearsome carnivore) - and wants to populate Karfel and hear the pitter-patter of tiny Morlox feet. To this end, he decides that Peri would make the perfect bride. After she's been half-chewed by a Morlox and turned into The Boradette.

Peri is treated abominably in this story. The Borad is another alien whose just in it for the sexual assault. Indeed, the book has a problematic attitude to Peri - and women in general. I quote, from p44:

"Katz, still very much a woman despite her torn and frayed battledress, adjusted her hair in a pool of water at the far end of the cave."

I mean come on Glen McCoy! What is this nonsense?

Anyway, it's not a great novelization of a story that is really only enjoyable for the hints of a previous visit, by the Third Doctor and Jo Grant, and the fact that on television at least you have the joy of some majestically theatrical - and in one instance really bizarre - performances. You need Paul Darrow in full Richard III ham mode to make this an enjoyable experience. On the page it is just awful.
