A review by moonprismbooks
Spectacular by Stephanie Garber



That was uh something… 

1 star for the first half and 1 star for how gorgeous the artwork is and how good the audiobook is.

Now, the first half was SO good. I loved it so much! It had the perfect holiday story vibes I love for! And then we get to the second half… there was zero reason for the questionable kidnapping plot. We could guess it was Legend, but when certain actions were done we don’t officially know that? So it just read really really wrong to me. This was marketed as a light holiday fun read and that’s so misleading tbh. I’m so shocked that some parts of that plot made it past editing. It just felt so out of place and unnecessary. A steal Tella away for holiday fun plot would’ve been soooo cute, but alas we did not get that. 

I’m really sad how I did not like this cause I adore this world and characters so much. Just went in a direction that wasn’t for me. 

*audiobook/physical combo read*