A review by hannahjbear
Code Name Hélène: Inspired by true events, a gripping WW2 story by the bestselling author of THE FROZEN RIVER, a GMA Book Club pick by Ariel Lawhon


Nancy Wake is a fascinating character and this book was clearly very well researched. As others have said, I loved reading the author’s note at the end (that’s what bumped my review from 2 to three stars).

Women don’t have to be likeable to be powerful or to have an impact. But the way Nancy is written, she’s so unlikeable that I found myself often irritated with her. The way she’s written, it’s a wonder that France and Britain had any successes in the war at all until she came along. I found myself longing for any scrap of information or even just respect for the other characters, who were based on real people and must have been incredibly brave and impactful, but in Nancy’s voice were often reduced to bumbling sidekicks. I understand that she was in charge, which is epic for the time, but her dismissiveness of everyone that wasn’t herself or Henri was so off putting after a while.

I enjoyed parts of this book more than others. I’m definitely glad to learn more about Nancy Wake.