A review by ladydewinter
Crimson Spell, Band 1 by Ayano Yamane


Even though I undertook quite the effort to get all three volumes of this in the physical form (for some reason I was really hung up on not wanting to read this on-line) I wasn't sure how much I would like this in the end. But I was pleasantly surprised! It's a good fantasy story with an intriguing enough plot and great characters. Ayano Yamane's art is absolutely gorgeous, I can't get enough of it, but the best part of this was probably its humor. I didn't expect it to be as funny as it is, and it really made the difference for me.

I'm always surprised how much I enjoy fantasy manga, considering how little interest I usually have for fantasy as a genre these days. One of the reasons may be that manga simply take a lot less time to read, and one of the things that put me off fantasy is that it tends to require a lot of commitment, time-wise. And I admit, the m/m parts included in the manga helps, too.