A review by ktbugbug1
Undo Me by M. Robinson


5 Heart Shattering stars!

I am officially broken and in need of therapy. M Robinson is definitely the #QueenOfAngst!
When I started this book I had no idea where it was going to take me. I am left with so many remaining emotions. I cried for 50% of the book. I was angry for about 25% and happy for the remaining 25%. M has a way of tearing your soul apart and rebuilding it again with the continuation of the story. Undo Me definitely undid me! When I read Complicate Me I didn't think I would grow such a huge attachment to each one of these characters. They have fully lodged themselves into my heart and soul. Dylan is by far my favorite male and this is extremely hard for me to say since I am #TeamLucas. As soon as Dylan opened his cocky mouth he jammed himself in my heart. I realized I wanted a man like him all my life. One to protect me, save me, love me, undo me. Aubrey is a force to be reckoned with. She starts out hating Dylan to loving him. Dylan, the self proclaimed ladies man, didn't see her coming. They had so much to give to each other. They lived off their love. Then the pain came. It first started with Alex and Austin with their accident and it just escalated from there. The unbearable pain that Aubrey had to endure literally shattered me. I lived that moment with her. You could feel every second of torture. Then Dylan comes in. There were no words for what he felt. You could feel it radiating off the pages. You could feel how responsible he felt, how tortured he was, and how much he regretted his decision. Aubrey needed to get away. Away from everything and everyone she cared about. She couldn't handle it anymore. I don't blame her one bit. So much heartbreak in such a small amount of time. Dylan McGraw is one of the best men I have ever had the pleasure of reading. All the pain he endured just to love the same woman for his entire life is epically amazing. Aubrey is such a powerful strong woman. For everything she has gone through, she finally gets her happy ending. Dylan does as well. Another EPIC read from M. She literally bares her soul into her words and they are felt in every sentence. I am a forever fan and proud supporter of M Robinson. Thank you for your amazing words and fantastic stories.
*Reviewed for Chiks Muse Books blog*
*Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review*