A review by inamazam
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


First time I read the book in 2013 (I guess) and later watched the movie. Yesterday I reread it and here I’m with my words for the book.

Personally I don’t like much Hazel Grace (though in movie the actress I adore) character, especially her way of hating everything... you are a cancer patient, I get it then what? You don’t want to fight for the life, I get it. But why there’s just a book that could makes you happy in the whole damn world!

Augustus, Ah man I don’t want to even talk about him. Where were he stand in all the book and movie thing? His character was a kind of bad-boy thing but out of blue in first second he got himself interested in Hazel Grace. Maybe cancer-cancer play the part.

Issac, yeah I do like his character somehow. Feeing really sad for blind guy :( life sometimes turned to be too much cruel. And then my most favorite character of the book; Peter Van Houten. Dude that guy really had a great story and reasons of his presence in the book-slash-movie thing.

I don’t know about other people but for me a story means, a walk through characters life and their development. But all I find in the book was sadness and then end with a death. It was like writer ask me after every twenty pages that ‘Feeling sad?’ And if I refuse he came back again. ‘Now you’ll do.’ All the way story carries a book AN IMPERIAL AFFLICTION the one and only thing that bound hazel and Gus. Nothing else. Not their personalities, not their abilities, nothing but a freaking book. The trip to Amsterdam was fill-in I guess, there was potentional in Peter character and i think author should detailed it a bit more.

Then you had a beautiful dinner, champagne thing and if ends with Sex (perfecto) ideal thing. Later next day your ass kicked by the person you came all along so far. It was all in small parts.

This book disappoint me in so many ways and being a reader, I had thoughts of drop it and look for something good... more genuine and actual thing.
Story was so weak and carry huge loopholes all the way from start to end. Writer can put more of a person then a story thing.

One thing I never get ever in books... How could a girl bear look of a hot-handsome guy but on other side disgust by sight of a not so handsome person. Why? Why that time no one count it as harassed thing.
Anyways these were my thoughts on the book. I find it timely funny and interesting but it was a total of 12-15% overall. I surely not recommend this book, if anyone ever want to read a book please don’t waist time over it— there’s number of books out there so go and grab some other so you don’t get second thoughts. In hazel and Gus words ‘Book was okay!’