A review by alannaj
Holiday in the Hamptons by Sarah Morgan


Having read all of the related Sarah Morgan books that are already out there as part of this series, I naturally wanted to read this as soon as I found out it was out.

It was a good summer read, perfect for taking to the beach. It was easy-going, fun, light and quick, much like Sarah Morgan's other stories, so in that respect, it absolutely lived up to expectations.

While I enjoyed the story of Fliss and Seth's reunification, I didn't find myself engaging with these characters in the same way that I have done with others of Sarah Morgan's creation. I'm not entirely sure I know why, but something didn't click on the same level as her other stories have. I did enjoy the plotline between Fliss and her grandmother, in fact Fliss in general as a character was charming, but there was something about Seth's part of the story that didn't sit right. I also wasn't quite sure that I could buy into how easy they both found it to come back together after all they had shared in the past.

Despite that, I still gave this story 4 stars, because the writing style and the characterisation did fulfil expectations and I still found the reading experience enjoyable.

I can only imagine that the author's next story will focus on Fliss' twin Harriet, so I await with baited breath to see whether or not I feel more connected with her story.