A review by jaypeg
Bad Girl By Night by Lacey Alexander


Small town carpenter Carley meets dirty talking cop Jake is an out of town bar when she is masquerading as a more sexually adventurous version of herself. They have a pretty hot threesome then she sneaks off back to her boring smalltown life only to come face to face with Jake again when he takes the job as local cop.

This book was seriously smutty. I think I failed to read the blurb or think about it much. I downloaded the audiobook version and I must say it was a total surprise to me when it got hot n heavy so quickly.

Holy moly!

Conversely it also dealt with the more serious subject of sexual abuse. Not something I really ever want to read about hence I’ve dropped a star, but it was gripping and I thought the author handled it really well. I didn’t find the story tear-jerkingly sad, it was more interesting and reflective.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved Carley’s inner musings on why she felt like she did and how she basically went on a journey of self-discovery. It was deeper than I expect from what is basically pure erotica.

And in case I failed to mention it. The hot scenes were HOT. It’s the first erotic novel I have ever listened to the audiobook of and I think I must have blushed through 85% of it. The narrator was surprisingly enthusiastic!