A review by sophyprose
The Brightest Light of Sunshine by Lisina Coney


Best slow burn ever, hands down. This book really went and said well I'm gonna ruin all the other slow burn romances for you missy so might as well buckle up for the ride. I'm obsessed as in 101% obsessed. I would have said that this could be my favorite romance of the year but the year IS just starting so let's hope for a good reading year since I'm gonna be home most of the time.

Lets focus on the topic first hand. Now, why do I love it so much? I think it's the characters that plays a big part.

Samuel Callaghan, the man of the hour, the definition of gentleman, the type of guy that I definitely want to have in my life and more. He is AMAZING. JUST PURE ON AMAZING AS A BROTHER? AS A BOYFRIEND? EVEN A FRIEND? Like could you get anyone better than him??? He's so respectful and caring and I just want to hug his humongous self tqvm. My heart is not mine and belong to him now.

Grace Allen, the sunshine, my mummy, the strongest survivor of sexual assault that I ever read and the type of girl that I want to be. Tell me about a fictional character that is just super brave trying to live in this world after going a traumatic accident while still being true to herself as well as she can? No? Yes? Well, the answer is no because the title is taken by Grace Allen, my idol. I want to be as badass as her and as kind as her and she's also my spirit character and I never been more proud of a character than I am of her. Have I tell you that I want her to be my mummy?

Best part - Callaghan and Grace. The way that they respect each other so much are goals. Totally the standard relationship and I would look up to them now. No buts, no ifs. The chats between them are top peak flirting. The conversation between them is so so mature, it's like a breath of fresh air. There's no miscommunication trope- I LOVE IT. I'M NOT SORRY FOR BEING OBSESSED WITH TWO CHARACTERS THAT CAN HANDLE THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN A MATURE WAY. LIKE MA'AM, THAT IS VERY ATTRACTIVE-

Trope -
☀Friends to lovers.
☀Lovers fighting against their desire.
☀Super pining and angst.
☀Single father/brother vibes.
☀Age gap.
☀Sunshine × Grumpy exterior.
☀(Not so)Bad boy that have a sweet spot for their partner.
☀"You ruin every women for me, baby". "You ruin every men for me too. "
☀Found family.
☀Everyone can see that they're in love but they're blind.
☀Best of all, slow burns.

good news -
☁no miscommunication trope.
☁no other women trope.
☁no unnecessary drama trope.
☁no toxic relationship trope.

Callaghan and Grace will make you wish that your relationship is as mature and respectful as theirs with a side of adorable moments that makes you feel like a single pringle.

To sum it all up, I want Callaghan and Grace to be my parents. I love love love matured characters that communicates really well and just tell their feelings to their partner because that is what a good relationship is. I also love Callaghan and Grace respect to each other and their kind and caring attitude about those who are matters to them. Overall, I'm in love with The Brightest Light of Sunshine.