A review by way2gosmartguy
Forbidden Love: Written by Lisa Jones Gentry as Told by Their Son Joe Steele by Lisa Jones Gentry


Let me start off by saying, I loved reading this book! It is a great story, and the fast that its a true story, makes it that much better. At first I was worried about the way it is written, a series of flashbacks, inside of flashbacks, and from 3 points of view. But Lisa Jones Gentry did a wonderful job keeping it all straight and making it flow smoothly. I highly recommend this book. It tells the scandalous story of how Joe Steele came to be. He is the product of a black man and a white woman, which is scandalous enough in that time, but to make things more interesting, his father was a Catholic priest, and his mother a nun. Joe was adopted, and as an adult, found out who his birth mother was and had limited contact with her. When she is sick and in the hospital, he is listed as her next of kin and is called to the hospital. They use that time for his mother to tell her story. Of how they came to meet, fall in love, and the heart wrenching act of putting their child up for adoption, and coping with the after effects of it. Wonderfully written, and brings out so many emotions.