A review by elmartos437
The Deep by John Crowley


This book is a mess.
But this book is also kind of great.

I love the setting and worldbuilding Crowley did on this one, I also love his prose, i think it's really nice most of the time.
Characters are surprisingly good for such a short novel, but my god... What are those names?

Why do I say this novel is a mess then? Well, shit just constantly happens. Things that maybe should've deserved more page time sometimes happen out of nowhere or in the span of a single page or even a single paragraph. Leading you to not care as much as you could've about what's going on.

I think this medieval world (let's just call it that to simplify it) was a huge influence for GRRM to later write his own medieval political struggles between Starks and Lannisters, Reds and Blacks.