A review by trin
Kafka's Soup: A Complete History of World Literature in 14 Recipes by Mark Crick


Recipes written in the style of famous authors, from [a:Jane Austen|1265|Jane Austen|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1176491679p2/1265.jpg] to [a:Raymond Chandler|1377|Raymond Chandler|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1206535318p2/1377.jpg], [a:Gabriel García Márquez|13450|Gabriel García Márquez|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1217356613p2/13450.jpg] to the [a:Marquis de Sade|30031|D.A.F. Marquis de Sade|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1198587965p2/30031.jpg]. I read it more for the literary humor than the cooking advice, as I am a miserable chef. Even discounting that, I think it would be a bit of a challenge to reproduce some of these recipes, as you’d have to pick the instructions out of, say, complicated passages of Borgesian prose; I have trouble following normal cookbook instructions. Crick’s pastiches are sort of gently amusing, however—he captures the variety of styles fairly well, and the little foodie adventures are not lacking entertainment value in their own right. Crick’s illustrations are quite fun, too. A good gift-type book.