A review by jljaina19
Clockwise by Elle Strauss


3.5 stars

This is a light-hearted time-travel. Part adventure, some disaster, a dash of comedy and an edge of romance. While many things are not very well explained and the summary of the book pretty much covers everything, I did still overall enjoy it.

Casey is a typical teenager who is just trying to live her life. Yet at random, unknown intervals she finds herself thrust back in time. Particularly the 1860s. Sometimes it is for a few hours, other-times weeks she could be stuck there. While she had learned how to handle and navigate these changes she is always fearful of touching others because whatever she is touching at the time goes with her and since she has no control over when she travels it must be quite nerve-wracking.

When the guy she likes is dancing with her, suddenly, POOF! Welcome to the 1800's! Nate things of it as a prank at first but then when he realizes how real it is, he struggles to adjust. This is just the beginning! It is an interesting adventure with some surprising connections.

I did find the book e bit jumpy, especially at first and how she knew certain things didn't make much sense for awhile. But soon, I was into the story and the nuances started to slip into the backround. Overall, an enjoyable read but I do wish it was a bit more memorable. I read it a few months ago, and many details of since run away from me. I prefer to have the memories live on, especially until I finish a series when it is part of one.

*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a fair/honest review*