A review by mrsbsbooks
Four Weddings and a Werewolf by Kristin Miller


** Copy provided by Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for an honest review**

This book was just as good as the first one, but the cover definitely fitted better along with the title.

So we have a prejudiced woman who's sister was bitten by a were-wolf and an were-wolf how has been hired by her almost were-wolf brother in law as she has been getting lots of noted an flowers from a secret admirer, but what she doesn't know is that it is another were-wolf.

Logan, who we met briefly in the first book does not do weddings of relationships. He likes one night stands because he saw what love did to his mother.

Logan is not so alpha male, but he does have a soft sweet side along with that all important protective side with a good dollop of hotness.

Both at times are simply stupid and I wanted to knock their heads together, but overall it was another good book from the author. I really do hope we have more books in the series and would love to see a book for Mr Bloomfield, Drakes second.