A review by heatherlwilliams
Och nu ansikte mot ansikte by Karleen Koen


What a wonderful surprise this book was. I purchased it when it was on sale with the other two in the series (which I've already read). And I put off reading this one for a long time. In fact, I started reading it a year ago and put it down after chapter 1, not picking it up again until 2 weeks ago. Now I'm glad I did.

This is the final Tamworth story - and the conclusion of Barbara (sort of).

A lot of this book felt like I was reading 2 books in one. One story in Virginia and one in England. And when it switched between the two, even though it was a chapter break, it felt jarring to me.

***Sort of spoilers***

Also, the end was kind of weird after the Tower of London scene (which was very exciting!! and made especially great because that is based on a true story). We sort of concluded with Barbara, but not really. It focused on Jane's family which was good, but ... what happened to Diana? What about Hyacinthe? I wanted to at least read the conclusions of their stories even if they were fairly predictable. What about Perry? What about the smuggling??? Charles? Yeah, not enough conclusions of all of the story lines.

Those are all disappointments.