A review by kakuzo
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Over Heaven by NISIOISIN


"The difference between humans and animals isn't that one has a soul and the other one doesn't, the difference is that humans are the only ones that think about going to heaven."

My thoughts on "Over Heaven"
Written by NisiOisiN
Illustrated by Hirohiko Araki

The story: (Jojo part 1,3 and 6 spoilers)
After defeating DIO Jotaro finds a notebook on DIO's mansion, he takes it to the Speedwagon Foundation to have it translated and it ends up being DIO's diary. This is retold by the "translator" who translated it, in the first chapter.

The book is all the diary of DIO, there is no action, basically, it's a 300-page long diary. In the diary, itselfDIO retells the events of parts 1,3 and how he met characters from the 6th part. All of this while trying to find a way and the meaning of going to heaven.

Reading this novel in Japanese:
It's not impossibly difficult but it still took me a lot of effort to read, there were some chapters (there are 80) that I completely didn't understand. But overall I would say I understood about 80% of it.

If you want to read this book in Japanese:

If you feel like reading this book in Japanese I made a vocab list with the words that I found the most difficult while reading it.

It is a very slow book, pretty uneventful, boring at times but overall very interesting, especially the chapters where he talks about his mom and the meaning of heaven are very good. It's an interesting read but not a very fun one.

The verdict:
The little details that nisio makes to make reading this book as if it weren't fiction are incredibly good and interesting. Being a diary, the way of it being bitten is very interesting, and some chapters are outstanding. But not all of it. Over Heaven is a 7.5/10