A review by h2oetry
Mount Chicago by Adam Levin


4.5 stars. Incredible writing, hilarious and oftentimes taking a joke right up to the boundary between hilarity and "uh-oh" -- docked half a star by (probably unfairly) comparing this to [b:The Instructions|13810258|The Instructions|Adam Levin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1356128472l/13810258._SY75_.jpg|13237247], which I thoroughly enjoyed. There were just a few areas where I sped through the text to get through it, but I was glad to read another [a:Adam Levin|29694|Adam Levin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1288572127p2/29694.jpg] novel with a shorter turnaround between Bubblegum and Mount Chicago than there was between The Instructions and Bubblegum.