A review by izziede
The Storm by R.J. Prescott


This is Book 3 from R J Prescott, I would recommend you read Book 1 and 2 (Connor and Em)before reading this as although this book is a separate story, Kieran and Marie, their first meeting happens in book 1 and these books are about a group of friends who are like family to each other so we are introduced to them in book 1 and their relationships grow as the series progresses.
I was nervous about reading this book because Con and Em's story was amazing and how do you follow that? This book is different to their story although there are strong similarities. Kier is not a hot head like Con but he is just as protective and loyal, oh yes and possessive.
In book 1 he has a bit of a reputation with women and I was worried that would continue in the first part of this story but there is no mention of any other girl for him, Marie is IT for him.
Marie is not too keen and her reasons are reasonable and she shows her own strength of character.

The prologue had me in tears but when I started chapter 1 I was laughing because we are back with the boys and Tommy is so hilarious.

The story was really touching, the camaraderie they have in this group is amazing. We see lots of Tommy, Liam, Con and Em and of course Danny.
We learn a more about Kier's family situation and also more about Tommy and his friendship with Kier.
The teasing and conversations are hilarious and there are some really sweet moments too.
When I got to 70%, there was a bit of a curve ball, I thought I knew what was going to happen but things didn't play out the way I thought they would.
Con and Em will always be my golden couple but Kier's book has given it a good run for its money.