A review by lineatatime
The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness


To sum up my feelings reading the individual books and the trilogy as a whole:

Seriously? Why? Wait,...what? Since when?

(flips back pages/chapters in search of relevant details)

Oh,... okay. I guess this is happening now...

Book 1: Apparently you can be an intelligent, interesting person who despises someone one week then magically fall in love with said someone and relinquish whatever interesting personality you might have the next week.

Book 2: Why do they keep forgetting why they’re even here? What’s the point of any of this? What’s the point of this entire chapter? Maybe this will be an interesting sub-plot...

Book 3: Nope. No interesting sub-plot set up. Any little payoff could (should?) have been cut anyway since it does nothing for the story. Oooh, maybe this is something? Nope, it must be nothing... never mentioned again.

Heroine says it best: “I’d been anticipating and dreading this moment..., but now that it was here, it felt strangely anticlimactic.”