A review by theeclecticreview
Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver


I am Evil.  And I have come to destroy your town.

This is my first Will Carver book and what can I say...the man has a unique way of storytelling. It's shocking, thrilling, and incredibly mindboggling.

Hinton Hill Death Trip is told by an unusual narrator with a message that if all humans were good, Evil wouldn't have a job. Evil presents itself in all forms in the quiet and quaint town of Hinton Hill. Jealousy, guilt, despair, fear, and gluttony, to name a few, are running rampant with the residents.  And a killer is wreaking havoc.  Detective Sergeant Pace comes home to Hinton Hill to get away from the city and death, but within six days the population decreases by seven people. Evil is following him. Pace feels cursed. Pace feels guilty. Pace feels Evil. 

Carver breaks the rules when it comes to crime thrillers. He inserts brilliant bits of wisdom where you least expect them while describing a horrific death in the next breath. It's hard to explain this book without giving things away. 

What I learned by reading this book is that it is probably best you read the first two books in the series before you pick this one up. I felt lost in some parts and needed more background on D.S. Pace.

This is a dark and chilling tale that has to be experienced. However, it has many triggers so it is not for the faint-hearted.  I highly recommend this one-of-a-kind, thought-provoking book that will stay with you for a long-time. You will never be the same.

Thank you to Mr. Carver for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.