A review by nataliew823
The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 by Bink Cummings


I really wish I knew how to add all that fancy HTML crap.. I used to but have no patience for that anymore.. lol Here's my review:

OMFG!!! This book.. SMDH... No foreplay just hard at it.

Ok normally I just tell you about each character and so on but it is gonna be a bit hard but I will try.

Seriously Bink is just a BAD bitch (in a good way). She is the queen of queens and no one can mess with her with or without the club. She had me hooked from the first page and I COULD NOT turn away. I FUC&!@$ LOVE BINK!! Her attitude and her no holds bard personality is just addicting. You're reading her words getting SUPER turned on and hanging on her every word through this WHOLE book.

Big is the President of the club and one of few men Bink has known and respected all of her life. He runs the club and has since he was younger. Now he's almost fifty and has the respect of everyone in the club. Although his bedroom door is quite revolving there is truly only one he can get out of his head. Big and I have a love hate relationship so I will just say I love to hate his sexy ass.

This book was FUC&!@$ amazing!! Anyone that loves MC books, badass women, and HOT ASSFU&@ sex has to read this. There is not one chapter that will go by that you will not be throbbing. I wish there were more stars to be given but unfortunately there aren't. I am granting this FABULOUS book 5 super hard as brass stars :)