A review by readingbycamryn
The Sacrifice by Shantel Tessier


The Sacrifice by Shantel Tessier

I absolutely demolished these three books. Whenever I pick up an interconnected stand-alone I usually read one book and then pick something else up and either forget to go back, or I just don’t finish at all. But MAN these books were so good.

From the first time I was introduced to Tyson in The Ritual I was immediately hooked. Even going through The Sinner I wanted nothing more then Tysons story, and let me just say it absolutely did not disappoint. Through the last 2 books there was so much talk, and speculation on the kind of Lord Tyson was, and the things he did. But we finally got to see all his secrets come to light. This book felt like an absolute roller coaster, it didn’t have much of that college vibe. (Probably because Tyson was no longer in college haha) but the revenge, arranged marriage, touch her and die trope *chefs kiss*

I think we all need a Tyson Crawford in our life… Tyson really deserved his happy ending with Lake. This couple made my heart so happy.. She was the stepping stone for his revenge, but she turned into so much more to him. And he literally killed for her.

My poor baby Lake, man Shantel really puts the FMCS THROUGH IT. She was really really really an innocent bystander and the things she went through made me so sad. But having a husband like Tyson she’s in great hands!

I believe these are the last “Barrington University” college dark romances (maybe for now? I’m not sure). There are 2 spin offs that I wasent planning to open, but I’m so obsessed with the Lords universe I need to read them asap. Carnage I have a feeling will be why choose or Reverse.. a Trope I haven’t ever read before nor was I interested in. But with this series I’m sure I’ll devour. So I’m so excited!!

As always check your triggers!