A review by shazzypupp
As Texas Goes...: How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda by Gail Collins


Disclosure: I won a free copy of this on Goodreads. I'm also a long-time resident of Texas.

Regarding the facts and arguments of her case, for the most part I accept them. I believe her portrayal of Texas as the wackiest of the states sells short so many others - I was in Louisiana for the David Duke/Buddy Roemer/Edwin Edwards election, and certainly Florida has plenty of hijinks for us all to laugh and/or cringe about - but it is probably fair to say that Texas does currently have a disproportionate influence on the country. I also feel that's often not a good thing.

However... I find myself agreeing with many of the other reviewers that the author's outlook, her superior attitude is, at the very least, grating. While quotes given are often bitterly funny, whether intentionally (Molly Ivins) or otherwise (Rick Perry), I repeatedly found myself wondering what the author hoped to accomplish here. Her presentation is certainly not likely to persuade people who are not already of her viewpoint.

Perhaps I have just reached a point where I am tired of authors and commentators mocking instead of trying to have constructive discussions, but if that doesn't bother you then you may appreciate the book more.