A review by ccfrostybits
Mount Chicago by Adam Levin


 Would have loved to have loved it more, but this one didn't grab me nearly as hard as Bubblegum or The Instructions. My biggest gripe with it is a seeming lack of purpose, which I do think is intentional. Adam Levin does a great job at writing larger than life characters that more or less are going about their business. But in this particular case, maybe I just haven't been in the right headspace for it, but several times I found myself wanting him to just get on with it. But then again that's what I knew I was getting into, and I did definitely enjoy it despite a few bits that dragged. One of the largest problems I think was just that it wasn't as punchy with it's story as The Instructions and not as personal and human as Bubblegum. He's such a strong writer and you can absolutely bet the farm that I will be picking up any and all books he continues to write going forward, but as far as my interest and taste, this is going to have to rest at a 7/10.