A review by ginkgotree
The Good Death: An Exploration of Dying in America by Ann Neumann


Very disappointing. I was optimistic when Neumann included a chapter on the disability rights movement and its critiques of assisted dying, but I didn't feel that she engaged with the topic in good faith. She refers to what she says are logically flawed online arguments by disability activists, but doesn't make the effort to find better ones (they exist!).

I was also disappointed by the chapter on prison hospice - an intriguing premise I'd have liked to learn more about, but Neumann essentially said she met with a patient in prison hospice once, and she didn't like him.

There was a lot of potential here and the writing was good but ultimately I felt Neumann was writing from a position of great privilege, where she wants what she wants and didn't care to engage with the complexities involved on a genuinely deep level.