A review by mdalida
You Only Love Twice by Bec McMaster


There’s something about this author - in terms of catnip and themes in romance, her writing and storytelling definitely hit all my buttons!
👇🏾All Good things, one excessively minor “bad” thing, and one warning ⚠️!

The Goods:
Second chance romance, simmering and explosive fury as they work out the past, badass heroines, non-Alpha assholes, suspense, camaraderie with friends, loyalty and trust and honor... and the steamiest sex scenes are just a given 😜

PLUS, the sequel bait is on point.. damn, I’ve been anticipating Charlie’s story (next book) since he and Lark first came on scene. And then the sequel bait in this book was actually about Malloryn and Adele and.... damn!!

Emotions, emotions, emotions. McMaster writes emotional books - even when I may not be 100% into the characters at first (in about 12 books of hers, that may have happened in 2 books), I’m definitely all in by the end because she works my frickin heart strings!

The Bads
(Really, I’m just being extra)
Who chooses the book covers? There have been a couple of different books lately where I’m scratching my head as to why that was chosen. The people look disproportionate and honestly like they’re contemporary going to a ballet. This is set in 1800s-ish, right?

The Uglys
If you’re triggered by hate sex, this is your warning ⚠️. The first sex scene is raw but I could understand that it could be a turn off for some.