A review by stephsromancebooktalk
The Bridal Suite by Rochelle Alers


3 Stars / 1 Steam Fans

In this case this rating is very much an 'it's not you, it's me' type of rating. Not often do I need to read standalone books in a series in order; however, in this case, I think my enjoyment for the story would have been more had I known the history between the friends. Nydia is being convinced by her girlfriends to move from New York to New Orleans to join them in their innkeeping business. Nydia breaks up with her long-time boyfriend before she visits New Orleans and meets Lamar during one of the friend's wedding. Nydia and Lamar have an instant connection but they both have relationship issues that they are working through. Lamar is a widower with a daughter and starts to question if he is ready to get back in the "game" specifically for Nydia. A lot of the storyline became repetitive and didn't seem to move anywhere. I felt like both characters harped on their issues without really trying to find resolutions or just letting the issue go which got very annoying. I may try to read the other books in the series in order to gain a bigger picture of this community of women.

Video review available in Week 48 Nov 24 – 30 weekly book reviews.

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