A review by mamasgottaread
Rebel by S. Massery


Twist and turns

Okay, for real, the twists and turns at every freaking chapter?! Holy crap this whole series has me completely hooked!

Rebel brings us badass Kora. In the two previous books she’d slowly started to come out of her weaknesses, but in this books she’s just full on. Kora is tired of the way Sterling Falls is being torn apart and has decided that enough is enough and she’s going to be the one to fix it.

The cliff hanger at the end of the last book was monumental and thankfully we get some resolution in this book. For like half a second anyways. The story that is being weaves is immaculate.

Chapter 38 broke my heart. Be prepared to gasp and cry.

Once again, we are left on a massive cliff hanger and I am immensely glad the final boom is already out and waiting for me.