A review by emma_therabbithole
I Haven't Been Entirely Honest with You by Miranda Hart


Listening on audio it has taken me quite a while to find time to listen to this, but thankfully it’s one that is quite easy to dip in and out of!

I think Miranda Hart is fabulous, and I found this, while not exactly what I was expecting, to be what I needed.

It’s a very personal story of Miranda’s own journey to loving a more mindful and healthy life following a debilitating battle with Lyme Disease. While not a sufferer of that disease, and living a completely different life, there were things that I related to and will take away from. 

I recall there being some controversy when this was released regarding the health advice, but I think it’s entirely unfair. She isn’t telling the reader what to do. She is saying this is what helped her, what she learned on her journey. It’s not relevant to every one nor is it intended to be. As a Mum of two my experiences are different, but it doesn’t mean that her experience and journey is any less valid. 

And so I listened and took from it what I wanted and needed and it felt refreshing, friendly and I do feel I learned somethings that I can apply to my own situation.