A review by pennylane13
Princess, More Tears to Cry by Jean Sasson


"Princess, More Tears to Cry" is the fourth and newest book in the "Princess" series by the New York Times best-selling author and Middle East expert, Jean Sasson.

This is the true story of the world-famous Saudi Princess, Sultana.

As a longtime reader and student of the author's works I was so excited to get "Princess, More Tears to Cry" as soon as it came out. I feverishly read it because everything Jean Sasson writes is always so fascinating and educational and I was really looking forward to this book for a long time.

After reading "Princess, More Tears to Cry" cover-to-cover I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that this is not only the author's very best work, but the very best book I ever read on the subject of the Middle East (and I have read dozens and dozens).

The book is not only Princess Sultana's story, but the stories of her friends, family, and the people she has come to know and help throughout her lifetime. But I am getting ahead of myself.

It's really important to know that this is not only a fascinating biography, but a highly detailed non-fiction book that will educate and inform all readers.

Jean Sasson lived in Saudi Arabia for twelve years, and also lived and traveled extensively all throughout the Middle East. She knows all about the culture, the people (from the royals that she befriended as well as to the bedouins and middle class families), the languages and the history of not just Saudi Arabia but the entire Middle East.

And she brings us all of this information in "Princess, More Tears to Cry". Even though her books are about ladies primarily, I have known many servicemen that have gotten her books and studied them before being deployed to the Middle East because they are all so educational. I would highly recommend "Princess, More Tears to Cry" to you, especially if you're traveling to Saudi Arabia or to anywhere in the Middle East for the first time.

The book starts out with a heartfelt dedication to a young girl named Amal who was viciously murdered by her father in Saudi Arabia who claimed to be a religious cleric. The world was shocked when this monster received hardly a slap on the wrist for his heinous crimes.

Princess Sultana has many stories to share in her latest book which all center on helping the women of her land because Saudi women are considered second-class citizens and have very little rights.

As an outspoken advocate for change in her country, Princess Sultana has met and heard many horror stories that are tragic and unforgivable. But as a royal princess with extreme power and wealth she is in a fortunate position to help these innocent women and children.

Nevertheless, Princess Sultana's work is extremely arduous. Because no matter what anyone says, she cannot go against the wishes of the husband's that victimize their wives because in Saudi Arabia no one comes between a husband and a wife because it is considered "private". Even Sultana's own husband who is an educated prince and a longtime supporter of women's equality is very reluctant to "interfere" between a husband and a wife in spite of how deplorable the situation may be, as described in "Princess, More Tears to Cry".

The book is called "More Tears to Cry" for a reason. You will shed a tear after reading all of these true stories that are so hopeless and tragic. One story that really touched me was about a woman whose husband threw her and their young daughters out. Even though she was homeless and penniless her own parents shunned her and didn't want anything to do with her or her daughters. But as Jean Sasson details in her new book, “Princess, More Tears to Cry” the story takes on a surprising twist!

We also learn more about Princess Sultana's daughters, Maha and Amani, who are as different as night and day. And in the new book, "Princess, More Tears to Cry" we learn about Princess Sultana's granddaughter, her namesake. Even though she is a young child she has learned by example and has a heart of gold that wants to help everyone.

But you may also cry a tear of happiness, too. Because a lot has changed since Jean Sasson first told Princess Sultana's true life story, more than twenty-two years ago, in her groundbreaking book, "Princess".

Women are now afforded some more rights and can even go to school and work outside of the home in some professions. This is a big step in the right direction. But as Jean Sasson states in her book, more must be done and with the help of Princess Sultana a lot is getting done. Because, even though there are resources for women and schools and some jobs, a woman cannot do anything without the permission of her husband or father. In Saudi Arabia all women are required to have a male guardian for their entire lives!

If you're a longtime reader of Jean Sasson's books then you will absolutely love "Princess, More Tears to Cry".

And if you're a new or casual reader, I would welcome you to start here with this intriguing book. Even though it is one of four books written about Princess Sultana and her family, it is not a serial and can be read as a stand-alone book because it is so inspirational.

After reading "Princess, More Tears to Cry" I felt angry at the injustices in Saudi Arabia and sad, but I also felt fortunate that I am free and do not live by the shackles that bound all women of Saudi Arabia (even the royal Princess Sultana).

I thank Jean Sasson for writing another best-seller about Princess Sultana that will inspire the entire world to take action and open so many minds about the injustices that Arab women face. She has the courage and conviction to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves.