A review by maxarcreads
Repossess My Heart by Callie Moss


Some Spoilers
OMG I LOVED THIS BOOK! This was a book I didn't know I needed, and I am so glad the author wrote it and loved every minute of it. This book was inspired by Repo the Genetic Opera which is a movie I Love!
The premise is this world is broken up into three sections (Above, Below and The Down). This mainly takes place in the below sector where everyone lives in poverty just struggling to survive especially those weight down by their debts of new organs or body parts/modifications. All usually financed and when they can't afford to pay their debts well in comes the repo man to take it back. (anyone else who watched the movie hear that in the narrator's voice?). This story is about Reverie who is an unchipped (undocumented) person hiding in the below who received a replacement heart as a baby and is years behind on her debt. She has kept hidden for most of her life in her apartment first by her mother who died and then her care BOT (robotic companion) who continued to keep her hidden from the world using extreme measures. However, Her BOT Cece eventually broke down but before it did, she installed illegal tech in Reverie that acted as a sort of warning device for danger at times. That along with her never leaving her home except to work and being extremely careful has allowed her to evade the repo men. That is until one day one her way home she is recorded by a NARC bot and her image is transmitted to a repo man by the name of 9.
This repo man develops an immediate obsession with her because of her beauty but especially because of her eyes which are beautiful but at the same time he hates them because they are dead, and he wants them to be alive when he takes them for his collection. Thats right along with needing to repo her heart he also wants to take her eyes to display them. So, he begins to stalk her and eventually kidnaps her. This is all before 30% of the book!!!!

This book is an emotional rollercoaster of dealing with the darkness of 9, Reviere's desire now that she's been caught to just end it all and their twisted desire for each other and their coming together to heal not just each other but also bring down the corrupt people who maintain the divide between the levels. I loved Reviere who even when she wanted to die pushed 9 and fought back. I thought she was a very strong FMC who also just wanted to be set free and 9 even at his worst had moments of dark humor slip through (probably unintentionally) that made him likable. I loved this book and would recommend it to anyone, and I will be buying a physical copy for my shelves.