A review by biblio_mom
How We Disappeared by Jing-Jing Lee


"There is wanting and there is a kind of waiting drenched in hope".

It's been a long time since I have read historical fiction and this one is really captivating yes gruesome story, reminding me of my grandmother's story about her life during the Japanese occupation a long time ago before Malaysia got it independance.

This story is narrated by Wang Di in the present, also Wang Di in her past and a shu bookish middle schoolers named Kevin. The story sets in Singpore during world war two. Their lives are pretty normal until the Japanese occupation happened. Wang Di was taken away from her family by the Japanese and forced into being so called comfort woman to quench their thirst of sex. This terms despise me as much as sex slave. During her years in captivation in the black and white house, accidently, she got pregnant while one of her friend was shot to death after suffering some kind of uncurable sickness.

One day, years later, they suddenly got released. She ran away as far as she could with her child, end up awake in hospital and finally reunited to her family. She got married by a suitor because her family wants to get rid of her anyway because they say she brought them shame. Really, its unfair after all she went through! What remained a mystery is where is her baby??

In the meantime, theres Kevin's story. He pretty much keep to himself and his books, and he is very close to his grandmother until the last day of her life after she had the strokes. After she passed away, Kevin found some letters written by his grandmother that never being sent to the receiver. The letter revealed who is his father really was and how he got to become Kevin grandmother's son. It has something to do with Wang Di (no spoilers though).

I really like Wang Di's story. It brought shivers down my spine and tears on my cheek as I am able to feel the emotion throughout the story. Unfortunately I don't really feel the same with Kevin's. But Kevin's story ended beautifully and Wang Di's a cliff hanger which is not my cup of tea.

You guys have to read this terrifying story. It felt real, reminded me of The Weight Of Our Sky By Hana Alkaf. I think maybe because it is one of my favourite genre?

Thank you Times.Reads Distributor for this review copy, not to mention the most stunning red cover ever! This book is available in all good bookstores.