A review by lailaede
Vox by Christina Dalcher


it’s like a less thought-out version of the haindmaids tale - the premise was interesting (and a bit goofy), the 2nd third was pretty interesting, and then the ending was a dumpster fire. The whole story felt a bit unearned. Judging by the author’s Q&A at the end of the book, where she describes the main character as “an egalitarian” and not a feminist, I don’t think the author really grasps what feminism means, and that really shines through for me. Her lack of understanding of intersectionality really shines through in the perspective of the straight, white main character and i really think if the author wanted to write a thriller using her background in linguistics, taking a haphazard dive into female subjugation was not the move. I think this idea could have made great fan fiction, but the ending was so rushed and sloppy that it actually does read that way. hopefully it can at least be a good conversation starter, but i think this surface-level “maybe don’t abuse women” conversation is really only appropriate for men, who will not be reading this book i fear. Overall, i think she missed what made handmaids tale so scary. anyways, im not mad that i read it because im excited to rant about it at book club :)