A review by emolasses
Anthem by Ayn Rand


Its rather late but i fear ill forget everything i just read and all my thoughts about it, so ill write this now.

I said that Dreadful would be my #1 book for 2024…i lied. Its this one.
Ive never read such a page turner, had this good of a message, was easy to understand but still felt complex, and just had me addicted on some hardcore morphine. I think my copy was dusted with the stuff. I think i was breathing it in every second i spent on a page. I think i want more. I think it got me feeling some stuff man. I think it got me seeing stars.

Before we get into the meat of this book, i just want to give a mention to the writing?!?!! It reads like a poem! Its so fast and flows so well that i couldn’t bear to put it down. I loved the use of “we” and “i” in the writing. At first i thought it was just a quirk of the writer’s style, but no, it was intentional to the meaning and significance in itself as well.

1. My interpretation and applications to the real world:
This book is sadly a very likely outcome for humanity. With more and more stupid and unskilled thinking, we fall closer and closer to this book. This book is basically the reality for Afghanistan currently, North Korea, and in the near future: Russia. In the book, there are laws put in place where you can not interact at the opposite gender, the amount of information you know is heavily controlled, you can not disobey in any form, you are limited in your education, and many more laws, some stated in the book and others left unknown. Sound familiar?

2. So many students I’ve met, have the mentality that all the upper government people seem to have in the book. They believe that we should only be taught what is necessary for us to know, and to go along with what everyone else is doing. I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard: “i don’t need to know math! I just want to work as a ___” . STUPID DUMBASS. YOU DONT SEE ANY USE IN KNOWING MORE ABOUT THE WORLD??? I wish this book was taught in EVERY middle-high school. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I WANT ESSAYS UPON ESSAYS WRITTEN. Lets normalize nerds and having a passion for learning. NOT being a good for nothing masterbating r*****ed bafoon.
Ahem. Anyways.
My point is, this is a book about learning and how important it is. Sure, studying isnt fun. Yea, some subjects can be difficult AF but in the end, think about this book. You dont want to end up like one of the many civilians in this story, do you? Think back to this book before you make fun of someone whos passionate about something. Whos a “nerd”. Whos gonna get farther in life than you ever will.

Most sci fi stories focus on the amount of technological advances. This book, focuses on the subtractions of it, which was really fun to read.

I love the main character. He is so me. He was such a fun narrator and i loved his development. Hes just a punk guy defying social/government norms for the greater good. Don’t even get me started on how he talked about the Golden One.

I will be rereading this, and getting a copy of my own to annotate. I will update this review if i ponder up anything else.

Shoutout to popsicle for recommending me this, my brother.