A review by katiya
Murder at St Anne's by J.R. Ellis


Are there ghostly dealings afoot? On a cold snowy night, Clare is viciously murdered as others have been before at this age-old churchyard. While there are those who claim that a phantom is exacting his revenge for his own murder, the detectives on the case know that the killer is all too human. Who could possibly want the esteemed vicar dead?

I couldn't believe how quickly I was drawn into this book. Though it is the seventh in the series, this is the first Yorkshire Murder Mysteries story that I've read. And I have really been missing out. I can't tell you if it's the plotting, the characters themselves or the setting because they seamlessly form the ingredients to a book that fully captivates. All the elements combine to form a riveting story. Beyond the tale itself, is a thought-provoking study of prejudice and discrimination.

Although this is first and foremost a police procedural, it is not passionless or empty of emotion. The officers are thoughtful, caring people who are devoted to solving this crime. The reader gets a nice glimpse into their home lives as well as their interactions with each other. Their pool of suspects is a lively bunch of individuals, all with their own recognisable traits and personalities. It is this talent for sketching men and women that brings this book to life.

Highly recommended. Both fanciers of cosy mysteries and police procedurals will love Murder at St Anne's.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the chance to read this Advance Reader Copy. As always, my opinions are my own - true and freely given.