A review by readr_joe
Who Is Coming Hou San by Joseph Slate


It would be very easy to over-read this book, and see too much meaning in the actions of the different animals, but I will try to avoid doing so.
[a:Joseph Slate|116082|Joseph Slate|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-d9f6a4a5badfda0f69e70cc94d962125.png]'s simple but effective reading of the traditional nativity story is succinct and accessible, and forces the reader to reconsider their approach. Unlike [b:The Story of the Other Wise Man|1992710|The Story of the Other Wise Man|Henry van Dyke|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1320494842s/1992710.jpg|2757985], this story does not spend extensive paragraphs in painting different landscapes, but tells its message, with wide but basic illustrations, and leaves the reader to ponder its meaning.