A review by mantaman0a
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins


I don't normally write reviews, usually out of sheer laziness. But i feel i owe it to this book to do so. It is absolutely electrifying, and is every bit as provocative (no, much more) as its title suggests. Its author suffers no fools about our often naive views on religion - from its fundamental roots to its supposed benefits. In it, he takes apart the key arguments for faith, and holds it up to the light of logic, reason for critique and analysis.

I found this book absolutely breathtaking, for its courage and audacity, slaughtering, as it were, the sacred cow that is religion. Dawkins applies a take-no-prisoner approach in discussing religion, but his arguments are grounded in fact, in evidence and reason. I would beg to differ from those who call him a fundamentalist, because it is clear that he is far from one. What he challenges us all to do is simply to think, to think calmly and rationally about religion and the impact it has had on society, and if there is really a need for a God in the societies we live in today.

I can almost see you recoil at that sentence - a godless society? How could it function? The important thing then, is to calmly ask WHY we react in such a way. Powerfully and movingly, he argues that we have no more need (if we really did ever need) for a God or gods, and that we alone are more than capable of leading rich, fulfilling lives without the burden of imagining a beard in the sky watching us.

I challenge all who claim to be capable of logical reasoning to read this book, no matter what creed you may be, if only for the intellectual workout it will give your brain. Think with your brain, and i would love if you could give me some arguments to refute some of Dawkins'.

Because after all, i would hate to take anything on pure faith.

Searing, intense, hilarious and moving, this is the book you will need to jolt your mind out of its placid neutrality, and decide, one way or another, if we have truly been deluded.