A review by bookdragonism
Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody


I JUST READ A GEM ASDFGJKLH. I've heard a lot of people say that this book is one of the best 2018 releases so far and I immediately wanted to read this book. I only hesitated because it's the first book of an ongoing series and I'm just not patient enough to wait for a year for the next book release. So I set the book aside and let procrastination take over. In the end, I couldn't resist it anymore and I started reading it. And well, I couldn't stop reading after that. Now I can really say that this book deserves all the hype. It's one of my favorite 2018 releases, maybe even a close second to The Cruel Prince. I read this book so fast because it's the kind of book that will never let you go until the last page.


It reminded me so much of Six of Crows. Have I told you I'm so in love with Six of Crows and all things Leigh Bardugo? No? Now you know. It has been less than a month since I read SoC but I miss it so much already. Ace of Shades made me feel those Six of Crow-ish vibe with the whole City of Sin going on—casinos, gangs, cons. I love cons so much. I don't know what that makes me but I don't care hohoho

The world-building. Yeah the world-building in books always catch my attention. Ace of Shades really offered a very good world-building with the notorious New Reynes and the whole political scheme that surrounded the whole story.

The "talent" thingy + the currency. I SO SO LOVE THE BLOOD AND SPLIT TALENT CONCEPT. I don't know what to call it exactly because it's not a magic system. It's just a unique concept I love so much. It's unlike anything I have ever read and it's a fascinating thing to inherit talents from parents. The "volts" currency also intrigued me because it's a unique concept too. Oh I love authors who can come up with original concepts. I'm loving Amanda Foody.

I love the characters especially Enne and Levi. Enne's character development is so excellent. She changed so much and became a very fierce missy on a course of 300+ pages. She's my new spirit animal. Levi, on the other hand, does not have the same angst as Kaz but he's charming in his own way. It's also aggravating how Enne and Levi obviously like each other but they can't seem to confront their feelings. Just kiss already, will you? *ships them to the ends of the world*

The Shadow Game. A mysterious game that results in mysterious deaths? Just my kind of thing.
• There's a lot of blood and murder in this book. You all know that's the perfect combination to make a perfect book. For me at least. 💁

Now I can't wait to grab the second book. I HAVE TO WAIT FOR A YEAR TO READ IT. IN AZKABAN. Wish me luck.