A review by jessi_readss
Ruthless Fae by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti


If you read my review of book 1, you would have read how that was one of those books where I was just unsure if I loved or hated it, there was no in between. But I decided to read this book until I could make up my mind if I was continuing the story or adding it to my DNF pile.

Well, I love it, this book brought a lot more to the table in terms of plot, background, action, love, etc. I took off just 1 star because the bully aspect is not for me personally, however it is more rare in this book. Of course the girls still get bullied, the heirs can’t just let up, and I understand why a little more now. But it does not happen every other page any longer.

Darcy and Orion? 10/10, chefs kiss, eating all that up. I NEED more of them and a part of me actually has a feeling they may be Elysian mates, I hope so anyway. My heart will be shattered if I am wrong.

Caleb and Tory? They have great sexual chemistry but I kind of hope it doesn’t go further than that. His use of the word sweetheart with every single sentence is so cringe to me. Like get some substance dude and a bigger vocabulary. I personally ship Tory and Darius. He was her bully, yes, but for kinda good reasons.

Can not stand Marguerite or Kylie, they are so blind it is almost hilarious but more so annoying.

Sophia and Diego? Love them, together and as the twins bffs. I would just like to personally see more growth and more backgrounds for both of them as they are supposed to be part of the twins ic but I feel like we hardly know them.

Geraldine? Love her, just hate the crazy language she tends to use. Also would like to see more development there.

The plot? Amazing at this moment. The ending was absolutely insane and I could not put it down at all once the Pitball match started. The way the twins are growing and slowly coming in to their power is so organic and I love to see their natural growth. Most books rush through to the part where the mc finds their magic and suddenly they are the strongest creature on the planet. Not these books, and I love that point.

Overall, I loved this book and I am so excited to start book 3.