A review by sal_loves_books
Without Shame by Lou Stock, Vicki James


Goodreads you totally need to give us higher star ratings cause five shiny gold ones just aren’t enough for this book!
This series is one I absolutely adore and I wasn’t sure where Ms James and Ms Stock were going to take this next instalment, didn’t think they could improve on the perfection of the first three books but boy am I glad to say I was wrong!
There wasn’t a single moment in this book that didn’t make me want to turn the page to see what would come next. If real life hadn’t got in the way I would totally have finished this book in one sitting, in fact even when I wasn’t reading the book, Ayda, Drew and the rest of the characters (especially Deeks cause I lurve him) were one my mind, calling for me to go back and read the rest (stupid real life!)
The story is so perfectly paced with a beautiful build up to well... okay I don’t want to give anything away so let’s just go with chaos, that you find yourself swept along with the lives on the page, as if you were there in the moment with the characters. Ayda is strong, like seriously strong but not in an unbelievable way as she has this softness that brings her to life. Drew is of the scale in this book, he’s dark and yet light when he is with Ayda again making him believable and what’s more seriously likeable. Hell if I’m honest with you all the characters are believable, totally likeable, well most of them obviously there are characters that are totally hateable < don’t think that’s actually a word but it works for how I felt as I read, and the way they are written makes you feel like you know each and everyone of them *goes all dreamy eyed wishing I knew Deeks* lol
Anyhow I’m babbling so I’ll shut up now after I’ve told you to go read this book and if you haven’t read the series go read that too because I promise you will not be disappointed!