A review by whatcha_listening_to
Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs


5 Blood Bound Stars

Mercy is fearless, or that’s what she wants you to think. I loved this book. What a great addition to the series.

I am not sure how I feel about Samuel, I kind of like Adam I think he is better for her. He takes in her feeling and I think Samuel is more about himself than her.
I like the love triangle that isn't a triangle well it kind of is but I see Samuel more as the jealous sort. Adam is too but he is watching and waiting.

The vampire in this book freaked me out!! I do like the way Stephan says Mercy’s name. He makes me smile but I fear him too.

I am jumping in to book 3 because well I need more. :D

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*